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What to expect

Your first visit should take approximately 30-45 minutes. Please arrive 15 minutes early for your first visit to complete the necessary paperwork. Filling out all your paperwork prior to your appointment will speed up the check-in process.

Please also be sure to bring:

  • Your driver’s license or identification card

  • Your prescription for physical therapy, if your doctor has given you one

  • Your insurance card

  • Wear comfortable clothing

Expect subsequent treatments to last approximately 30 to 45 min.

Co-pays are due at the time of service.

Insurance and Payment Information:
PTSC therapists are contracted providers with most every insurance carrier and managed care provider in this region.  We will be happy to bill your medical insurance for you providing you have your most current identification card available for us to copy. If your insurance requires authorization for treatment, we will call to obtain this prior to your first visit. We will inform you of your insurance company's response and keep track of the number of visits your insurance company has authorized and the number of visits you have received. Our billing team is always available to answer your financial questions. Co-payments are due on the day of service. We accept payments by cash or personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, Private Insurance and verified Workers' Compensation or Auto Insurance as payment for treatment rendered.  We cannot bill therapy supplies to your insurance company; all supplies must be paid for when received.
Please understand that your insurance coverage is a contract between you and your insurance company. You are responsible for your account. When the insurance company has issued a check on your account, any remaining balance including deductibles or co-insurance deemed patient responsibility will be due in full upon receipt of a statement from The Physical Therapy Specialty Center. If your insurance denies payment because of lack of authorization, you will be responsible for your entire bill. If you continue to be treated after the authorization expiration date or after the number of authorized visits is reached, you will be responsible for the unauthorized visits.
We look forward to serving you and helping you through your medical challenges.

There will be a few pages of paperwork to fill out prior to your appointment. To help speed up the process you can download the forms before hand and bring them in to your appointment. The "new patient paperwork" needs to be filled out even if you have been to our clinic in the past. This will give us the most current information pertaining to your injury. You will also need to download and sign our Privacy policy and Payment policy pages prior to your appointment. There are also injury specific questionnaires to fill out to help us better understand your injury. You only need to download and fill out the questionnaire that correlates with your area of pain or injury. Please be sure to fill out all paperwork before hand and bring all paperwork with you to your appointment or you will be asked to fill it out at our office prior to being seen. It may still be helpful to arrive 10 minutes before your appointment to make sure that we have all the information we need to best assist you in your injury recovery. Please call us if you have any questions at 970-241-5856.

Patient Forms

All four of the below forms need to be printed and filled out and/or signed prior to your appointment. There are multiple patient history forms per type of therapy, please only choose one history form. 

For these forms please select the questionnaire that best describes the area of injury or the area that you are experiencing pain. If you are having pain in more then one area, print and fill out all that apply.

For release of Medical Records. The form to the right needs to be printed, filled out, and returned to our office staff in order to release your medical records.

 "The physical therapy profession will transform society by optimizing movement for all people of all ages to improve human experience."

- American Physical Therapy Association Vision Statement

Physical Therapy Specialty Center
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3150 N. 12th Street Grand Junction CO 81506 * * Tel: 970-241-5856 * Fax: 970-241-8599

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