It has been a great year, full of great blogs that have kept you informed throughout 2022. Today, we are going to do a recap of the first 6 months of blogs in 2022. This should give you a quick rundown of what you may have missed, or may highlight something that you want to review again.

January 2022:
In January we covered a major topic that affects at least half the population in any given year. This topic is lower back pain and then in the middle of the month more specifically SIJ pain. These two blogs not only talked about our treatment options we provide for these two types of pain, but also covered some important anatomy and some differentiation between sciatica, SIJ pain, and general lower back pain or strain. I am sure at some point you have experienced lower back pain and these two blogs gave some great insight that may help you in understanding lower back pain and possibly preventing pain in the future.
February 2022:
The first blog in February focused on getting moving and adding exercise to your life after the holiday slump. This blog discussed some simple ways to get moving as well as the importance of adding exercise and physical activity and the benefits of doing so. If you need some ideas on how to be active in the winter months take a look at this fine blog
The second blog in February focused on recovery from COVID-19 and what Long-hauler symptoms may occur following a COVID-19 infection. Research is changing as we find out more about the virus and it seems as if it is hanging around for a bit, however it is getting less severe symptomatically. If you are recovering from COVID-19 and struggling to get over some of the brain fog and fatigue, check out this blog and get some helpful advice.

March 2022:
The first blog in March focused on Kinesio-Tape. This tape has been an amazing asset to treating and providing support for various injuries, aches, and pains. Many people have seen this tape used on athletes, but do not understand how useful it may be in everyday life for us weekend warriors who end up with an injury. For more information on KT tape and if it may be helpful for you, check out this blog.
The second blog in March focused on posture and the importance of proper ergonomics for posture and positioning in your daily life. 20-40% of employees get injured from sustained postures during the day. This blog has many helpful tips to attain proper posture during your work day and the benefits of doing so. Give it a quick read to help you manage your posture into 2023 and beyond.

April 2022:
April is Occupation Therapy (OT) Month, so both of the blogs in April were written by our awesome OT, Chris Moore. OT actually has nothing to do with “occupation”, but more to do with daily function and helpful ways to maintain function through injury and manage limitations with assistive devices and assistive tools.
The first blog focused on what OT is and how it may help you with your daily activities and work tasks. The second one focused on foam tubing and how it may be added to various tools of daily use to make tasks easier and put less strain on your joints. If you would like to find out more about OT and how it may help you, April blogs are a great month to look at.

May 2022:
May is Speech Therapy (ST) month. Both of the blogs in May focused on Speech Therapy and were written by are amazing Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), Marianna York. Speech Therapy can help with anything from toddlers learning to talk, to adults needing some assistance with memory loss.
The first blog in May focused on what ST is and the all-encompassing things it can address. The second blog focused on early intervention in childhood for speech delays and the importance of early access to ST to get children on the right path quickly. If you have an interest in ST or just want to know more about it, May is a great month to review.

June 2022:
The first blog in June was written about Evidence Based Practice (EBP) or Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), which is a key aspect of all the care we provide in our clinic. It is important that we are treating our patients with the most current and up to date treatment plans to get them back on their feet quickly. To find out more about EBP and how we strive to stay as up to date on current research to provide the best care check this blog out.
The second blog in June was written by one of our student interns. We have a lot of students rotating through our clinic and strive to partner with CMU as much as possible, to advance their programs to include PT, OT, and ST and train the next generation to step into their health role. This is a great blog from an intern’s perspective and observations while he was in our clinic.
Wow, that is a lot of amazing topics we covered in 2022 and we are only half way done. Stay tuned for part 2 of this blog where we will cover the second half of 2022 and more amazing blogs to come.