This has been quite the year for us a PTSC and we have enjoyed sharing our blogs and tips with you all this entire year. For December we thought a nice summary of the year’s happenings and blogs would be beneficial to highlight some of the topics we discussed and make it easier for those just tuning in to possibly go look up a past blog that interests them, or maybe reminds someone of a blog they would like to return to, in order to help them in their current state. That being said, here is the run down:

January and February 2021:
Transitioning to the gym 5 part series:
In this series we discussed how to work back into a gym routine in a safe and comfortable manner to.
Part 1 focused on the importance of returning to the gym and how it can be beneficial both physically and mentally in your path of injury or post-op recovery.
Part 2 focused on definitions pertaining to exercise terminology and important concepts to understand as you work back into a gym routine.
Part 3 focused on how to tailor your workouts to fit your needs; weather that be increased heart rate, rate of perceived exertion, fatigue, etc. This also discussed the importance of allowing for proper recovery in order to maximize your workout goals.
Part 4 was a very in-depth look at how to focus your workouts based on your goals and using fatigue and other principles for selecting the right exercises for what you need
Part 5 was a very nice recap of all the concepts discussed in the previous blogs with a good overall view of how best to transition back to the gym
This series was very in-depth and should offer some good principles to follow should you need to transition back to the gym following an injury, or even just following a spell of falling off the workout wagon.

March 2021:
This blog focused on how to recognize a concussion and also the various treatments offered at our clinic that may benefit you or a family member who is recovering from a concussion
The first clue to proper recovery following a concussion is to actually recognize when a concussion has occurred and noting the various symptoms that people may feel following a concussion.
Often Concussion recovery requires a team effort and we are happy to offer that team approach to our clients by providing physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy to meet all your recovery needs in one location.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV):
This blog focused on an interesting diagnosis that not many people know about. BPPV is a condition that causes dizziness when you change positions.
We provide treatment for this condition, and in most cases we can fix it in the first session. Check out this blog posted in February to find out more information.

April 2021:
Parkinson’s Month
In the month of March we focused on Parkinson’s disease in a three part series we brought to you throughout March.
Part 1 focused on what Parkinson’s disease is and how to recognize it.
Part two focused on how therapy can help in all aspects of life when dealing with Parkinson’s Disease.
Part 3 focused on the specific physical therapy program we utilize to assist in treatment for Parkinson’s Disease weaknesses and impairments. LSVT BIG is the program we use and this blog focused on exactly what that program entails.
If Parkinson’s Disease interests you, this is a great series to check out and is also very informative.

May 2021:
Osteoporosis Month
This blog focused on what osteoporosis is and how physical therapy can help.
Osteoporosis causes weakening of the bones and can lead to fractures, particularly in women (and some men) over the age of 50.
Physical therapy can reverse osteoporosis or bone weakness and can assist patient’s to a healthier and safer life with less possibility of fractures.
This is a great blog for those who have recently gotten a diagnosis of osteoporosis and are wondering what to do.
Women’s Health blog
In tune with Mother’s day we also did a Women’s Health info blog, which covered a large range of the most impactful health issues regarding women.
Not all topics were musculoskeletal or injury based items, but we also included some common diagnoses that are common in women, such as autoimmune diseases.
This is a very informative blog on all things relating to women’s health, so if you have that interest please check it out.
June 2021:
Aphasia Awareness Month
Aphasia is a neurogenic speech issue that can cause difficulties in speaking, reading, or written language expression.
Stroke is the number one cause of Aphasia, but is not the only cause.
We offer speech therapy, to assist with Aphasia and other speech and language pathologies.
If you have a family member who experienced a stroke, or you yourself are recovering from a stroke, this may be an important blog for you to read.
Men’s Health Blog

Along with Father’s day, we did a Men’s health blog in June.
Similarly to the Women’s health blog in May, this focused on all aspects of men’s health and discussed a wide variety of health issues pertaining to men
This is a great blog to scan for all the Men in your life.
That gives you a quick overview of the first half of 2021 blogs put out by our great staff at PTSC. If any of them interest you please head to our website and read the actual blog. Stay tuned for Part 2 where we will review the second half of 2021 blogs and also forecast things to come! Until then, stay safe and enjoy this time of holidays with you loved ones.