Happy New Year! As we head into the new year we try not to look back, however we at PTSC are using this time to look back on the helpful and informational blogs we posted in 2022. Here is our much anticipated part 2 recap covering blogs from July to December in 2022.
July 2022:

The first blog in July focused on what makes a “good” physical therapist and how to get the most from your physical therapy visits. This is an excellent blog on how to set yourself up for success on your injury recovery path. We at PTSC have a different approach to most treatment plans and want to partner with you to help you succeed in your recovery. Check out this blog to see how we are different and how we promote success in our patient population!
The second blog in July focused on the various modalities that are offered in physical therapy and how they may assist in the healing process. Modalities are what we like to refer to as the “feel good things” that can assist in managing pain and promoting healing. Check out this blog to find out more information about modalities and how they work.
August 2022:

The first blog in August focused on back to school health for our kids. From posture corrections to back pack fitting, this blog has all the tips that will keep your children healthy and injury free as they head back to school.
The second blog in August covered a treatment known as cupping. If you do not know what this amazing healing treatment is this blog will help you. Cupping is an ancient tissue treatment that assists in improving blood flow, loosening tissue, and relieving pain among other benefits. To find out more about how this ancient practice is assisting in modern healing, check out this blog.
September 2022:

The blogs in September highlighted the mighty, and often misunderstood, rotator cuff muscle group. The first blog covered the anatomy and structures involved in the rotator cuff and how they work together to provide support and maintain function.
The second blog posted in September covered rotator cuff surgery vs. conservative (i.e. physical therapy) management to restore function in the shoulder. This is evidence medicine at its best and shows that quite often an injury to the rotator cuff can be healed and function can be restored in order to return to daily activities without pain.
October 2022:

October is such a great month and we are a bit partial to it because it is National Physical Therapy Month! This month ranks right up there with April being OT month, and May being Speech Therapy Month, but I digress. Back to October. In October we presented a great blog, written by our own Logan Ellis, as to why physical therapy is a great choice to help you recover from an injury. #ChoosePT
The second blog in October covered another important injury that is often thought to lead to surgery, the dreaded ACL tear! We show there are other options along the conservative path. Check out this evidence based blog regarding your options following an ACL tear and how conservative management may be the best option for your recovery.
November 2022:

The first blog in November focused on Diabetes awareness month and also just how to make healthy choices during the holidays. This is helpful information weather you have diabetes or not, because let’s face it, healthy choices are a struggle. This blog even has links to healthy recipes so check it out.
The second blog in November highlighted the dreaded “holiday pain in the neck” and provides very helpful tips on how to avoid those pesky holiday injuries. Although you may be past the holiday prep season, these tips also are useful in the holiday takedown season. Give it a quick read and see if you can make small changes to keep you safe as you put away those decorations.
December 2022:

We wrapped up the year with our finally blog in 2022 posted December 1st. This blog covered the use of trekking poles and how they may be beneficial to keep you trucking through the fall and winter. This is a very informative blog on the benefits of trekking poles, how to properly use them, as well as how to properly select and fit them. They key is always to keep moving and these poles with keep you safely trucking into 2023 and beyond.
Well, that wraps up our recap of the blog posts of 2022. Hope you enjoyed this quick rundown of what you may have missed or maybe gave you some ideas of what you may want to check out. Remember, all of our blogs can be found on our website for future reference. We enjoy putting out this information and keeping you informed! Have a safe and wonderful New Years and beyond!